RBVI / LookSee

LookSee molecular viewer for Quest VR headsets
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Allow pushing user interface buttons without a hand controller button click #15

Open tomgoddard opened 11 months ago

tomgoddard commented 11 months ago

Currently the user touches a button so it highlights blue and then clicks the hand controller trigger button to press the button. I did it this way to avoid accidentally pressing buttons. But it is not very intuitive. It might be better if just pressing and releasing the button was sufficient. The "release" would mean that the button must be poked and then unpoked. The release would help assure that buttons are not accidentally pressed. Need to try this to see if it is easy, reliable, and more intuitive.

Besides making the user interface interaction more obvious, this method of pressing buttons could be made to work in the same way with hand gestures without controllers. Both Meta Quest 3 and Apple Vision Pro are promoting hands-only interaction.

The push and release interaction also paves the way to have panels sit on the users arm or on physical room surfaces found by depth mapping, which would allow the user to actually have tactile feedback of touching a solid surface to active a button.