Submitting a bug-fix request for indexing the RDA Registry Terms in Sinopia just now, I noticed a contradiction between comment contents and data in the RDF/XML representation of the ConceptScheme.
I'll assume that the triples, not comments, should be trusted, but thought I'd report anyhow.
<!-- Concept: preferred name (Deprecated) -->
<skos:Concept rdf:about="" xml:lang="en">
<skos:inScheme rdf:resource=""/>
<skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">preferred name</skos:prefLabel>
<!-- [...]
has status 'Published' -->
<reg:status rdf:resource=""/>
<!-- [...] -->
Thanks for reporting this. I have let ALA know about the problem so that it can be resolved. You are correct that the comment is in error and the triples are correct.
Submitting a bug-fix request for indexing the RDA Registry Terms in Sinopia just now, I noticed a contradiction between comment contents and data in the RDF/XML representation of the ConceptScheme.
I'll assume that the triples, not comments, should be trusted, but thought I'd report anyhow.