Closed brinlyau closed 6 years ago
Ooops, I accidentally closed this. :)
Same issus here. Any ideas?
What binary did you use?
Using bin/Hex-Rays Plugin contest/2015/Mac binaries gives me the same errors. No uptodate binaries exist for Mac.
if you are still on IDA Pro 6.95 you can compile it to have an uptodate binary
We don't support 6.95 anymore.
Wont load on IDA 6.95 on OSX (10.12). Did I miss something obvious? :)
Log: dlopen(/Applications/IDA Pro 6.95/ dlopen(/Applications/IDA Pro 6.95/, 2): Symbol not found: ZNKSt7cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE5c_strEv Referenced from: /Applications/IDA Pro 6.95/ Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib in /Applications/IDA Pro 6.95/