ROBOTIS-GIT / Dynamixel2Arduino

DYNAMIXEL protocol library for Arduino
Apache License 2.0
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Communication Problem between Portenta H7 and MKR Dynamixel Shield #96

Open Matt93-00 opened 2 years ago

Matt93-00 commented 2 years ago

I noticed some time ago that even if all codes, coming from Dynamixel2Arduino or DynamixelShield, compile well, in the end there is no way to find the dynamixel attached to the system Portentah7+MKRDynamixelShield. Thus, I can't drive the dynamixel with portenta H7. Thank You for the availability.

shiba-8ro commented 2 years ago

It's not my experience, but I know of other cases the Portenta H7 + DYNAMIXEL Shield for Arduino MKR series can't be worked.

ROBOTIS-Will commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry about the delayed response on this issue. A temporary fix for this issue until the Arduino mbed library is updated can be found in the below commit. Other discussions : Thank you.

Matt93-00 commented 2 years ago

Hi @ROBOTIS-Will , thank You so much for your availability. Anyway, I shall say that your solution doesn't work for me. I changed the .cpp and .h files with your edited files and nothing happens again. 0 dynamixel are found during scanning and no one code works! Did I complete the right steps? @shiba-8ro Did you test it?

ROBOTIS-Will commented 2 years ago

@Matt93-00 Could you specify your development environment and which product do you use? Have you correctly located the DYNAMIXEL2Arduino library directory? If you turned off the Use external editor option in Arduino IDE preference, you should restart the Arduino IDE after modifying the library.

Matt93-00 commented 2 years ago

@ROBOTIS-Will Yes, sure! I hope that this can help other people. I am using Arduino IDE 1.8.19 on Windows 10 Home 64 bit. The "use external editor" is always not flagged. To be complete, I have a Portenta h7 (*1hncf6w*_ga*OTcyNjgzMjk3LjE2MTM3MzI0MzI.*_ga_NEXN8H46L5*MTY1MTU2MjE4Ni40NDUuMS4xNjUxNTYyMjQ5LjA.) attached to the MKR shield with MX64AT dynamixel, connected as documentation said at paragraph 5.2