RRZE-HPC / stempel

Stencil TEMPlate Engineering Library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link


Stencil TEMPlate Engineering Library

This tool allows automatic generation of loop kernels for several kind of stencil patterns. Stempel provides a framework to generate, perform static analysis of the code (exploiting kerncraft), generate a full C code and parallelize it via openMP and blocking.

For a detailed documentation see in <docs/>_.


Remember to setup properly your envirnment in advance. For example, using conda Python:

conda create -n stempel python=3.4

source activate stempel

Clone this repository and run: python ./setup.py install

If you are unfamiliar with python, here is a tutorial on how to install python packages: https://packaging.python.org/installing/ . The use of virtual enviornments is usually a good choice.

Additional requirements are:


  1. Run stempel C code generator

stempel gen -D 2 -r 1 -i


stempel gen -D 2 -r 2 -k box -C variable -p

  1. Run stempel benchmark generator

stempel bench code.c -m machine_file.yaml -b

  1. Run a full analysis (a stencil is generated, analysed through kerncraft applying ECM/Data, Roofline and Layer Condition models; a project is set up in PROVA! and an experiment is executed. The outputs are stored to the STEMPEL workspace):

analysis -w ~/Desktop/stempelwork -p ~/PROVA ~/Desktop/provastempel -k star -m BroadwellEP_E5-2697_CoD.yml -r 2 -d 2 -e 5 -t 2 4 8 10 --method_type OpenMP-4.0-GCC-4.9.3-2.25 -C constant -c isotropic -l /apps/likwid/system/include/ /apps/likwid/system/lib/ --iaca


Implementation: Danilo Guerrera

kerncraft : Julian Hammer

ECM Model (theory): Georg Hager, Holger Stengel, Jan Treibig
