JSON schema and other materials related to the joint ACR-RSNA project to create common data elements.
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Return modality to the schema #34

Open shadowdoc opened 10 months ago

shadowdoc commented 10 months ago

@ccarr - can someone let me know whether this exists in the current radelement site as an optional element, or is it just missing from our examples because it's optional?

If it's there, but missing in the schema, I'll add it now. Otherwise that's another future enhancement to request.

Apologies, I don't see other devs to "@"...

shadowdoc commented 10 months ago

Historical schema for reference

modality = element modality { element system { "RadLex" }, ( element code {"CT"}, element name { "Computed Tomography"}, element url { "" } ) ?, ( element code { "FL" }, element name { "Fluoroscopy" }, element url { "" } ) ?, ( element code { "MR" }, element name { "Magnetic Resonance Imaging" }, element url { "" } ) ?, ( element code { "NM" }, element name { "Nuclear Medicine" }, element url { "" } ) ?, ( element code { "PET" }, element name { "Positron Emission Tomography" }, element url { "" } ) ?, ( element code { "US" }, element name { "Ultrasound" }, element url { "" } ) ?, ( element code { "XR" }, element name { "Projection Radiography" }, element url { "" } ) ? }

talkasab commented 3 months ago

+1 for this fix. I don't think we want authors putting modalities in the titles of their Sets, but rather in the metadata. Problem is, only way to do that now is to use a generiic index code.