RTradeLtd / Temporal

☄️ Temporal is an easy-to-use, enterprise-grade interface into distributed and decentralized storage
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Roll Out Pin Expiration Notification Service #454

Closed bonedaddy closed 4 years ago

bonedaddy commented 4 years ago

We have a pin expiration notification system in tutil, with the revamp of the playground it would be a good time to roll this out. We should do a monthly notification where at the first of every month verified emails are sent a list of pins that will expire that month.

Although the code implementation is pretty simple, we still need to ensure that we get the consent of the users who wish to participate in this system. This means that we need to expand the user database table with a field that says they consent to this pin notification system.

We also need to make sure that existing users who have verified their emails also get asked for consent to participate in this system. To do this I'll send out a BCC (very important as to make sure user emails are hidden from one another) email asking their consent to participate in this system explaining what it is, and I'll feed the responses into our database.

bonedaddy commented 4 years ago
