Starting SikulixIDE with either
java -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.5 -jar sikulixidelux-2.0.6-20230417.154102-17.jar
or with
GDK_SCALE=2.5 java -jar sikulixidelux-2.0.6-20230417.154102-17.jar
just shows the splash window, but not the editor. Although the splash window respects the given UI scale.
Starting SikulixIDE with either
java -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.5 -jar sikulixidelux-2.0.6-20230417.154102-17.jar
or withGDK_SCALE=2.5 java -jar sikulixidelux-2.0.6-20230417.154102-17.jar
just shows the splash window, but not the editor. Although the splash window respects the given UI scale.