Closed casiodk closed 2 weeks ago
Hi @casiodk. Thanks for reporting. We'll take a look at this
What's the Infinity
that you're using here? It is not a Float::INIFINITY
for sure.
irb(main):009:0> JSON.dump(Float::INFINITY)
=> "Infinity"
The problem lies within serializing event data to JSON for the Browser. If that's a custom type/ValueObject used in data, JSON won't be able to process it without additional mapping.
I am using the YAML serializer, so it should be able to deserialize right?
Rails.configuration.to_prepare do
Rails.configuration.key_repository =
Rails.configuration.event_store =
mapper:, serializer: RubyEventStore::Serializers::YAML),
repository: RubyEventStore::Serializers::YAML),
dispatcher: RubyEventStore::Serializers::YAML)),
request_metadata: lambda do |env|
request =
request_uuid: request.uuid
I am also able to deserialize in the console without any problems
PRODUCTION [2] pry(main)> event = EventStore.find_event("b3fcc70a-7148-417a-9600-a4ab890c6a0b")
D, [2024-11-14T09:50:53.683378 #27432] DEBUG -- : RubyEventStore::ActiveRecord::Event Load (0.7ms) SELECT "event_store_events".* FROM "event_store_events" WHERE "event_store_events"."event_id" = $1 ORDER BY "event_store_events"."id" ASC LIMIT $2 [["event_id", "b3fcc70a-7148-417a-9600-a4ab890c6a0b"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<Etfs::SIX::EtfBidUpdated:0x00007fb4c115fc98
@data={:etf_id=>1, :bid=>120.595, :previous_bid=>0.0, :bid_change_percentage=>Infinity},
@h={:locale=>"da", :event_version=>1, :correlation_id=>"4abe1ad7-5b83-4feb-a743-d6b044e114d2", :timestamp=>2024-11-08 22:00:48.014565 +0100, :valid_at=>2024-11-08 22:00:48.014565 +0100}>>
PRODUCTION [3] pry(main)>[:bid_change_percentage]
=> Infinity
PRODUCTION [4] pry(main)>[:bid_change_percentage].class
=> Float
Hello @casiodk, I had some time yesterday to investigate this scenario. While JSON.dump(1.0/0)
dumps Float::INFINITY
to "Infinity"
string, it doesn't happen when it's a value in a hash:
irb(main):003> JSON.dump(1.0/0)
=> "Infinity"
irb(main):004> JSON.dump({ infinity: 1.0/0 })
=> "{\"infinity\":Infinity}"
In general, this behavior doesn't follow ECMA-404 nor RFC 8259 as
Numeric values that cannot be represented as sequences of digits (such as Infinity and NaN) are not permitted.
is obviously not an "Infinity"
and JSON parser in our browser's frontend can't handle this as it not a correct JSON value. Fun fact, some tools actually parse that, but there's no standarized behavior
echo "{\"infinity\":Infinity}" | jq
"infinity": 1.7976931348623157e+308
It also differs on which method from Ruby's JSON module you'll use:
irb(main):003> JSON.parse('[Infinity]')
/Users/fidel/.gem/ruby/3.3.6/gems/json-2.8.1/lib/json/common.rb:204:in `parse': unexpected token at 'Infinity]' (JSON::ParserError)
from /Users/fidel/.gem/ruby/3.3.6/gems/json-2.8.1/lib/json/common.rb:204:in `parse'
from (irb):3:in `<main>'
from <internal:kernel>:187:in `loop'
from /Users/fidel/.gem/ruby/3.3.6/gems/irb-1.14.1/exe/irb:9:in `<top (required)>'
from /Users/fidel/.gem/ruby/3.3.6/bin/irb:25:in `load'
from /Users/fidel/.gem/ruby/3.3.6/bin/irb:25:in `<main>'
irb(main):004> JSON.load('[Infinity]')
=> [Infinity]
irb(main):005> JSON.parse('[Infinity]', allow_nan: true)
=> [Infinity]
We'll try to fix this issue on our end.
@casiodk issue has been resolved in, not sure when we'll make a release, so you can stick to this particular ref in your Gemfile
Awesome, thanks a lot guys!!
You're welcome, at least we've learned something new 😉
I tried to reference, but now I am getting this error and a blank page
Uncaught ReferenceError: Elm is not defined at bootstrap.js:5:13
gem "rails_event_store", git: "", ref: "a2885d4f2ea630f635b33b1f87bf30491c39857b"
Yes, sorry, I forgot that we don't build js for every ref. This one will work
Awesome! it works :)
I suddenly started getting this error in production - but only on the index page, if I go on a specific stream it works as intended.
When I go to the specific event that is breaking the screen looks like this
And the event look like this
So I am guessing that the Infinity value in the data is breaking things?