RainbowMiner / RainbowMiner

GPU/CPU Mining script with intelligent profit-switching between miningpools, algorithms, miners, using all possible combinations of devices (NVIDIA, AMD, CPU). Features: actively maintained, uses the top actual miner programs (Bminer, Ccminer, Claymore, Dstm, EnemyZ, Sgminer, T-rex and more) easy setup wizard, webinterface, auto update.
GNU General Public License v3.0
636 stars 175 forks source link

so whats the plan for everyone with the xeggex BS #2970

Open whitindllc opened 1 week ago

whitindllc commented 1 week ago

i know we arent supposed to use exchanges as wallets... but with coins coming and going as much as they do who doesnt??

realsetvin commented 1 week ago

i know we arent supposed to use exchanges as wallets... but with coins coming and going as much as they do who doesnt??

This is a story as old as time, we should remember when its not our keys its not our crypto.

We can only do one thing, move forward. There will be other exchanges and other coins.

There were hundreds of coins on life support, its like the social welfare for altcoins have been cut dry.