RainfallNZ / CASM_Southland

CASM processing associated with Southland
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Implement input data revisions #15

Closed RainfallNZ closed 4 years ago

RainfallNZ commented 4 years ago

Tim Cox has identified some revisions that need to be undertaken on the input data.
These were outlined in an email to Tim Kerr, on the 10th July 2020 at 16:41 with subject "Southland input revisions". The email refers to a file which is now in the "CASM" filder.

Hi Tim K.

Attached are some mark-ups of your CASM input worksheets, with edits generally described below. I have only worked through the 3 major basins thus far (Waiau, Oreti, and Matuara). The other two will be fairly trivial in comparison.

Let me know if any of these requested changes cause serious heartburn. I realize there is quite a lot here, but iterations were inevitable with the complexity of these basins. That being said, you've done a great job with your initial structuring of CASM inputs. Consider yourself the second-best CASM modeler in the country! For whatever that is worth...

Let me know if you have questions.

Thanks! Tim

Dr. Tim Cox Streamlined Environmental Mobile 022 386 0856 www.streamlined.co.nz

RainfallNZ commented 4 years ago

Found an error in the original draft with respect the point source from Southland District Council Wyndham. This site shares a river reach with the Fonterra plant, and was given the Fonterra loads. This has been corrected on the later version.

RainfallNZ commented 4 years ago

The majority of these issues have been resolved and committed on the 29th July 2020