Although the example using shell works correctly, applying the
comments about how to extend for repeated strings does not in fact work
Solution provided
Minimal change is to revise the comments.
The following program, which has a loop, does work. Not sure about whether to include this in the example.
use v6.d;
#| process with utility, first check it exists
my $proc = shell( <<sass --version>>, :out, :merge);
exit note 'Cannot run sass' unless $proc.out.slurp(:close) ~~ / \d \. \d+ /;
# later
my @scss = q:to/SCSS/ , q:to/SCC2/;
div.rendered-formula {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
img.logo {
align-self: center;
.new { color: red }
for @scss {
#| set up the process for stdin
$proc = shell( <<sass --stdin --style=compressed>>, :in, :err, :out );
$$_,:close) ;
say "Error: $_" with $proc.err.slurp(:close);
say "Output: $_" with $proc.out.slurp(:close);
say "Sass completed";
The problem
Although the example using shell works correctly, applying the comments about how to extend for repeated strings does not in fact work
Solution provided
Minimal change is to revise the comments.
The following program, which has a loop, does work. Not sure about whether to include this in the example.