RamblingCookieMonster / PSDepend

PowerShell Dependency Handler
MIT License
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Deployment trigger !deploy #112

Closed raandree closed 4 years ago

raandree commented 4 years ago

The last merge did not trigger a deployment:

Skipping deployment: To deploy, ensure that...
    * You are in a known build system (Current: AppVeyor)
    * You are committing to the master branch (Current: master) 
    * Your commit message includes !deploy (Current: Merge pull request #111 from raandree/master and deploy!  Adding support for pre-releases and semantic versioning (PowerShell Gallery))

Can you merge this one, please?

RamblingCookieMonster commented 4 years ago

Ahh goodness I should change that to allow both !deploy and deploy!, this definitely isn't the first time - thanks!