RaphaelDDL / e7db-ui

EpicSevenDB.com UI for game information, such as Heroes, Artifacts, Gear, Skills and anything else necessary to present the DB. Made with NUXT.js (Vue.js, Express, SASS)
10 stars 5 forks source link

Community Recommendations #13

Closed willhausman closed 5 years ago

willhausman commented 5 years ago

This would be a large undertaking, but is potentially interesting. I think it would be neat to allow users to vote on which artifacts and heroes work well together. Voting so it can change over time without explicit maintenance to the db project.

This information already exists in one form or another on Reddit, but could be automatically maintained in an easier-to-consume fashion than a google doc.

This would require: Third Party Login to the application (Reddit, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, wherever we want to support) Unique Tokens across logins used to determine where a user has voted. Baseline recommendations


RaphaelDDL commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I want to steer away from both opinionated data as well as user-interaction (login, auth, etc).

Main goal of the DB is to present easy-to-browse factional data, in the same fashion as alchemistcodedb.com (which is my main inspiration). That's the reason there's no comment section (easy to add with disquis), no tier list, no suggestion of what artifact or equip sets to use.

Examples of what I aim: