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Make all commands OS agnostic #44

Open anistark opened 3 years ago

anistark commented 3 years ago

Currently, it works fine with ubuntu, fedora and raspberry pi devices.

Should improve the os_parse function in helpers.py

Add support for Arch Linux distros

Arch Linux distros like Manjaro are gaining popularity and we need to add support for it.

We can try aliases. Like:

alias "pacman -Sy"="apt update"
alias "pacman -Su"="apt upgrade"

Or, We can use yaourt instead of pacman.

alias yaourt="apt install.
alias "pacman -Rns"="apt purge"
alias "pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)"="apt autoremove"


These can then be put in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or called from a local os config file.

Here's all that I could find: Action Arch Red Hat/Fedora Debian/Ubuntu SLES/openSUSE Gentoo
Install a package(s) pacman -S dnf install apt install zypper install emerge [-a]
Remove a package(s) pacman -Rs dnf remove apt remove zypper remove emerge -C
Search for package(s) pacman -Ss dnf search apt search zypper search emerge -S
Upgrade Packages pacman -Syu dnf upgrade apt update; apt upgrade zypper update emerge -u world