This is the official and only Bugtracker for our Server Harbringers (Realm: Kilrogg) for Warlords of Draenor. Please note, that we will ONLY work on bugs reported here.
Phases your character into thinking Stitches is still assaulting Darkshire upon completion and there will no longer be NPCs for questing or vendoring. HOWEVER if you move far enough away you will go back to normal and can continue questing in other parts of Duskwood.
What is the Bug? (Brief Overview)
Phase the entirety of Darkshire upon completion.
WoW Head Link to Quest, Item etc.
Expected Behavior
Kill stitches turn in quest
Current Behavior
Phases your character into thinking Stitches is still assaulting Darkshire upon completion and there will no longer be NPCs for questing or vendoring. HOWEVER if you move far enough away you will go back to normal and can continue questing in other parts of Duskwood.
Steps to Reproduce
Attach a Video Link or Screenshot