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Desync of chaingun's muzzleflash #303

Closed NovaRain closed 10 months ago

NovaRain commented 10 months ago

When firing the chaingun in recent remaster WADs, I notice the flash frames (especially CHGFA) are desync with barrels' rotation: cgun_desync It's kinda more noticeable if I use a simple skin replacement WAD (, check the muzzle when firing).

If I change their duration to match Fire state in weaponh.txt, the desync is gone:

    CHGF A 4 BRIGHT A_Light1 // was 5
    CHGF A 0 BRIGHT A_JumpIfNoAmmo(2)
    CHGF B 4 BRIGHT A_Light2 // was 5
    TNT1 B 0 BRIGHT A_Light0

But I'm not sure why in vanilla Doom (or in the base zscript) longer duration of flash frames doesn't cause desync. EDIT: OK, actually there is, just barely noticeable when out of ammo right after the first of two shots (player has an odd number of bullets).

    CHGF A 5 Bright A_Light1;
    Goto LightDone;
    CHGF B 5 Bright A_Light2;
    Goto LightDone;