RedCrested / ImagesInMessage-for-OpenSource-SocialNetwork

An improvement on OssnMessages component to allow user to attach images
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Change image uploaded folder #1

Closed rafaelmamorim closed 2 years ago

rafaelmamorim commented 2 years ago

@lianglee sugestion

Good but one thing is you should not store those static files in

ossn_get_userdata("tmp/photos/"); This is temporary folder and all photos may lost!

Maybe you can create new folder ossn_get_userdata("messages/photos/")

Things may become difficult for you in case message item deleted and the image file still exists :)

rafaelmamorim commented 2 years ago

At current version (1.2.1), if user account is removed, files from messages still on data folder

rafaelmamorim commented 2 years ago

Files now are stored in OSSN_DATA/messages/photos/{user id} folder. Sorry for don't do this in previous versions