RedHatInsights / bonfire

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Bonfire should know it shouldn't keep trying it if can't pull image for iqe-cji pod #190

Open Victoremepunto opened 2 years ago

Victoremepunto commented 2 years ago

bonfire deployment timeout for me, I used the wrong Image tag but that wasn't handled properly by bonfire - I checked and I saw the image pull back off message on openshift - bonfire should be able to handle this and fail the deployment.

bsquizz commented 2 years ago

Let's see if the ImagePullBackoff error appears anywhere in a pod's status conditions (I think it might but need to confirm)

At the moment we check the status conditions for a resource after it times out at this point:

We could start checking these conditions during the observe call, somewhere in here: and fail fast if we see image pull backoff errors on pods.

bsquizz commented 1 year ago will help with this