This is needed because of this linein Portal Chrome:
if ( === location.origin &&
document.cookie.indexOf('rh_sso_session') >= 0 &&
!(document.cookie.indexOf('rh_jwt') >= 0)) window.location =
'/login?redirectTo=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
Basically if we send to /logout after destroying the JWT state, Portal
sends us right back to the login page with a redirect back to /logout
on login... its weird. :D
This is needed because of this linein Portal Chrome: if ( === location.origin && document.cookie.indexOf('rh_sso_session') >= 0 && !(document.cookie.indexOf('rh_jwt') >= 0)) window.location = '/login?redirectTo=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
Basically if we send to /logout after destroying the JWT state, Portal sends us right back to the login page with a redirect back to /logout on login... its weird. :D