Data source connects successfully and can be queried via explorer. Can't load RedisCLI
Are there requisites (on redis side?) for this dashboard to load?
Relevant information
Grafana Server (Docker): grafana/grafana-oss:9.3.2
Provisioned using "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=redis-app" with data source added in provisioning/datasources/datasource.yml and app in provisioning/plugins/plugins.yml
Grafana Dockerfile
FROM grafana/grafana-oss:9.3.2
ADD provisioning /etc/grafana/provisioning
COPY grafana.ini /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
Dec. 29 11:50:43 AM logger=plugin.loader t=2022-12-29T14:50:43.497642766Z level=info msg="Plugin registered" pluginID=redis-app
Dec. 29 11:50:43 AM logger=plugin.loader t=2022-12-29T14:50:43.497927268Z level=info msg="Plugin registered" pluginID=redis-cli-panel
Dec. 29 11:50:43 AM logger=plugin.loader t=2022-12-29T14:50:43.497968688Z level=info msg="Plugin registered" pluginID=redis-cpu-panel
Dec. 29 11:50:43 AM logger=plugin.loader t=2022-12-29T14:50:43.498003668Z level=info msg="Plugin registered" pluginID=redis-gears-panel
Dec. 29 11:50:43 AM logger=plugin.loader t=2022-12-29T14:50:43.498034888Z level=info msg="Plugin registered" pluginID=redis-keys-panel
Dec. 29 11:50:43 AM logger=plugin.loader t=2022-12-29T14:50:43.498077909Z level=info msg="Plugin registered" pluginID=redis-latency-panel
I found this page under Plug-in which fixed it. This confused me because under Data Source/Dashboards it showed Redis and Redis Streaming but not Redis CLI
More of a question as this may be expected behaviour.
Dashboards do not automatically get imported.
Have to go to
Data Sources / Redis / Dashboards
and clickImport
- is this expected behaviour or should they be auto-imported?Possibly related to
RedisCLI dashboard not found
Data source connects successfully and can be queried via explorer. Can't load
Are there requisites (on redis side?) for this dashboard to load?
Relevant information
and app inprovisioning/plugins/plugins.yml
Grafana Dockerfile