Ree6-Applications / Ree6

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stream Tools #234

Closed DxsSucuk closed 1 year ago

DxsSucuk commented 1 year ago

Creating a set of tools for streamers!

Concepts: Allowing "scripting" and access to channel internal information (redemptions for example) Example of this would look like

Action creation:

voice-join ID
play-tts Hey!

Event listener:

redemption ID

With this concept users will be able to create actions and assign them to specific self selected listeners. Users wont need to actualy script anything since all this is going to be handled in commands for example:

ree!stream-action create MyAction
ree!stream-action MyAction add voice-join enterId
ree!stream-action MyAction list
ree!stream-action MyAction delete LineNumber
ree!stream-action MyAction listen redemption redemptionId

Currently planned Actions:

voice-join CHANNELID -> Let the Bot join a Voicechannel.
voice-leave -> Let the Bot leave the current Voicechannel.
play-tts MESSAGE -> Plays a TTS-Message created by the given String
play-url URL -> Plays the Audio from a URL (only supported URLs, no self hosted URLs)
say CHANNELID MESSAGE -> Send a Message into the given channel.

~~Adding support for Streaming Elements from providers such as Stream Elements, StreamLabs and Tipeeestream. With this we would allow streamers to directly let them play their own Alert-Box over Ree6, without sharing any private information! (A OAuth connection is most likely required.)~~

~~Respectiv Documentation StreamLabs TipeeeStream Stream Elements~~

Not possible since all of these hide the actual widgets since they are being run in a sanbox for security reasons

DxsSucuk commented 1 year ago

This will also need us to create a endpoint to finish the Twitch OAuth process and store the data.