RefactoringTools / wrangler

Wrangler -- An Erlang Refactorer
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                Wrangler -- An Erlang Refactorer

Refactoring is the process of improving the design of a program without changing its external behaviour. While refactoring by hand is possible, tool support for refactoring is invaluable as it is more reliable, and allows refactoring to be done (or undone) easily. Wrangler is such a tool that supports interactive refactoring of Erlang programs. Wrangler is integrated into both (X)Emacs and Eclipse.

Wrangler's refactorings cover structural changes such as function, variable and module renaming, function extraction and generalisation. Wrangler recognises macros in code, and can be used on a single file or across a whole project.

Wrangler can also be used to locate and remove code clones, and to improve the module structure of projects.

Wrangler is extensible, with an API for writing new refactorings and a DSL for scripting complex refactoring combinations.

Wrangler also supports testing in EUnit, QuickCheck and Common Test, so your tests are refactored automatically when you refactor your code.

A new functionality added recently to Wrangler is the support for API migration. With Wrangler, API migration is achieved in this way: whenever an API function's interface is changed, the author of this API function only needs to implement an adapter function in Erlang, which defines the old API functions in terms of the new. From this definition we automatically generate rules to transform the client code to make use of the new API rather than the old.

--------------------------------- Documentation -------------------------------

Wrangler online documentation is available from

-------------------------------- Wrangler Installation ------------------------

     See INSTALL for instructions.

--------------------- how to use the refactorer -------------------------------

  1. Open an Erlang source file in the Emacs editor. You should now have a menu called Erlang, if you have configured Emacs properly to use the Erlang-mode (see the file INSTALL otherwise).

  2. To start Wrangler, type: M-x erlang-wrangler-on', or alternativelyCtrl-c Ctrl-r'. After that, new menu Wrangler
    should appear in the menu bar (see INSTALL otherwise).

  3. To stop Wrangler, type M-x erlang-wrangler-off', or alternatively useCtrl-c Ctrl-r' again. The Refactor and Inspector menus will disappear from the menu bar.

  4. You can use `Ctrl-c Ctrl-r' to toggle Wrangler on or off.

  5. For most refactorings, the editor interface will pass the current filename (should be the module name, as well), the refactoring command, and the current cursor position. For some refactorings, you'll also need to highlight an expression, or enter a new name.

  6. The 'Customize Wrangler' menu in the Wrangler submenu allows you to specify the boundary of the system by giving the list of directories to search for Erlang source files/header files that could be affected by a refactoring.

  7. For most refactorings, the editor interface will pass the current filename (should be the module name, as well), the refactoring command, and the current cursor position. For some refactorings, you'll also need to highlight an expression, or enter a new name. More details are available from the documenation.