Dont know if someone else wants this, but...
Would like to not only control fans, i want even control pumps and other things.
There, a Bigger % step would be helpful... like 10% steps
and for response time. 1sec is ok but would be very happy with like 0,5sec if possible
If this is to experimental or something, u could put like a checkmark under settings for this options to enable.
Hello Dont know if someone else wants this, but...
Would like to not only control fans, i want even control pumps and other things. There, a Bigger % step would be helpful... like 10% steps and for response time. 1sec is ok but would be very happy with like 0,5sec if possible
If this is to experimental or something, u could put like a checkmark under settings for this options to enable.
Thanks for this great project anyways. Great work