RenderKit / ospray

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Converting IES file to intensityDistribution parameter #582

Open ArchlineXP opened 8 months ago

ArchlineXP commented 8 months ago


We are stuck with converting the IES files to intensityDistribution parameter. Can someone please send me an example how to do it? We checked the document and found some information in Table 24, but couldn't figure out the conversion number.

johguenther commented 8 months ago

OSPRay Studio can load EULUMDAT files (alternative file format to IES, there are many converter tools) and pass the data as intensityDistribution to OSPRay, see Maybe this helps?

BruceCherniak commented 8 months ago

If IES is the necessary file format, there is a simple header-only IES file loader that will parse the file into an intensity array, and then the code that @johguenther mentions above can help to create the OSPRay intensityDistribution array. Ultimately, that array gets sent to OSPRay here createChildData("intensityDistribution", lamp.lid)

ArchlineXP commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the answers, it helped a lot. We have another question about the converter:

We implemented your suggestions, but the results are incorrect. There are 5 lights in this scene, they all share the same .ldt data.

['A' image] ['B' image] ['C' image]


phy_light = ospNewLight("spot");
CALVector3 pos = from; // float[3]
ospSetParam(phy_light, "position", OSP_VEC3F, pos);

CALVector3 t_ = To; // float[3]
ospSetParam(phy_light, "direction", OSP_VEC3F, t_);

OSPIntensityQuantity INTq = OSPIntensityQuantity::OSP_INTENSITY_QUANTITY_SCALE;
ospSetInt(phy_light, "intensityQuantity", INTq);
//ospSetParam(phy_light, "intensityQuantity", OSP_UINT, &INTq);
//ospSetParam(phy_light, "intensityQuantity", OSP_UCHAR, &INTq);

//  CALVector3 c0(0, 0, 1);
//  ospSetParam(phy_light, "c0", OSP_VEC3F, c0);
OSPData data_;

ospray::sg::Eulumdat lamp(R"(C:\......................\A.ldt)");
float *pmData = new float[lamp.lid.size()];
for( int x = 0; x < lamp.lid.size(); x++)
    pmData[x] = lamp.lid[x];

data_ = ospNewSharedData1D(pmData, OSP_FLOAT, lamp.lid.size());

ospSetObject(phy_light, "intensityDistribution", data_);

I attached 3 pictures of the result. What can you suggest to make the final result of the IES lights good?




johguenther commented 7 months ago

The IES data you use is 2D, but passed as 1D, thus what you see is the different slices/planes compressed within the illumination cone (showing as stripes).

Try changing to

data_ = ospNewSharedData2D(, OSP_FLOAT, lamp.Ng, lamp.totalMc)

No need to copy the data into pmData, but then lamp needs to be kept alive to share the data with OSPRay (alternatively use ospCopyData2D to let OSPRay keep the data).