Retro-Game-201 / Ghoulish-Getaway

retro game
MIT License
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Project Name: Ghoulish Getaway

This site is an in-browser Halloween-themed adventure/survival game. In this game, the player character's vehicle gets a flat tire, requiring them to seek help at the nearby haunted-looking mansion at the side of a deserted highway. To survive, the player must make appropriate choices to avoid classic horror-movie deaths.

Authors: Emma Johnson-Barth, Ava Melchior, Luke McCarthy, & Tom Capps


Whiteboard Image

Links and Resources

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User Stories




As a video game player, I want to play a game which is nostalgic, spooky, and fun. I want to navigate through a spooky mansion and avoid horror movie mistakes so that I can find a car jack and escape the haunted house.

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