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Inconsistency in alert colors between the Github and Github Dark themes. #1124

Closed jcbrill closed 2 months ago

jcbrill commented 3 months ago

The rendered colors for the [!IMPORTANT], [!WARNING], and [!CAUTION] alerts in the Github Dark theme appear to be incorrect. See Table 1 below.

Markdown Monster \ Version 3.3.6 \ June 15, 2024 \ 64-bit, .NET 8.0.5

The content of this post and two custom GitHub themes (i.e., _Github and _Github Dark) are contained in the attached zip file.

The rendered objects for alerts differ between the Github and Github Dark themes:

The alert colors in the MM Github and MM Github Dark themes are significantly different from the colors employed in the GitHub Light Default and GitHub Dark Default themes. See Table 1 below.

Github appears to render alerts similar to blockquotes with the exception that the body text is rendered using the default text color rather than the alert color.

The attached markdown document and themes can be used to compare the MM GitHub themes (i.e., _Github, _Github Dark, Github, and Github Dark) with the default GitHub themes (i.e., Light Default and Dark Default)

Table 2 and Table 3 below contain more of the color definitions employed by MM and Github for the light and dark themes, respectively.




Feel free to ignore.

Table 1 Rendered Alert Titles and Colors - MM vs GitHub

Alert MM Github MM Github Dark GitHub Light Default GitHub Dark Default
[!INFO] $\color{#31708f}\text{INFO}$ $\color{#31708f}\text{INFO}$ $\color{#636c76}\text{[!INFO]}$ $\color{#8d96a0}\text{[!INFO]}$
[!NOTE] $\color{#31708f}\text{NOTE}$ $\color{#31708f}\text{NOTE}$ $\color{#0969da}\text{Note}$ $\color{#4493f8}\text{Note}$
[!TIP] $\color{#31708f}\text{TIP}$ $\color{#31708f}\text{TIP}$ $\color{#1a7f37}\text{Tip}$ $\color{#3fb950}\text{Tip}$
[!IMPORTANT] $\color{#a94442}\text{IMPORTANT}$ $\color{#daa520}\text{IMPORTANT}$ $\color{#8250df}\text{Important}$ $\color{#ab7df8}\text{Important}$
[!WARNING] $\color{#8a6d3b}\text{WARNING}$ $\color{#b22222}\text{WARNING}$ $\color{#9a6700}\text{Warning}$ $\color{#d29922}\text{Warning}$
[!CAUTION] $\color{#a94442}\text{CAUTION}$ $\color{#daa520}\text{CAUTION}$ $\color{#d1242f}\text{Caution}$ $\color{#f85149}\text{Caution}$

Example 1 - Blockquote and Alerts


Default blockquote text.

[!INFO] Not supported by GitHub (default blockquote text).

[!NOTE] Useful information that users should know, even when skimming content.

  • More.


[!TIP] Helpful advice for doing things better or more easily.

[!IMPORTANT] Key information users need to know to achieve their goal.

[!WARNING] Urgent info that needs immediate user attention to avoid problems.

[!CAUTION] Advises about risks or negative outcomes of certain actions.

Table 2 Rendered Colors - MM Github vs GitHub Light Default

ID Kind MM Style MM Object MM Color GH Color GH Object GH Style
L00 default text html, body Text $\color{#24292e}\text{\#24292e}$ $\color{#1f2328}\text{\#1f2328}$ Text html, body
L01 [!INFO] FilledBox Fill $\color{#d9edf7}\text{\#d9edf7}$ $\color{#d0d7de}\text{\#d0d7de}$ Edge Blockquote
L02 [!INFO] FilledBox H5 $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#636c76}\text{\#636c76}$ H5 Blockquote
L03 [!INFO] FilledBox Text $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#636c76}\text{\#636c76}$ Text Blockquote
L04 [!NOTE] FilledBox Fill $\color{#d9edf7}\text{\#d9edf7}$ $\color{#0969da}\text{\#0969da}$ Edge Blockquote
L05 [!NOTE] FilledBox H5 $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#0969da}\text{\#0969da}$ H5 Blockquote
L06 [!NOTE] FilledBox Text $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#1f2328}\text{\#1f2328}$ Text Blockquote
L07 [!TIP] FilledBox Fill $\color{#d9edf7}\text{\#d9edf7}$ $\color{#1a7f37}\text{\#1a7f37}$ Edge Blockquote
L08 [!TIP] FilledBox H5 $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#1a7f37}\text{\#1a7f37}$ H5 Blockquote
L09 [!TIP] FilledBox Text $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#1f2328}\text{\#1f2328}$ Text Blockquote
L10 [!IMPORTANT] FilledBox Fill $\color{#f2dede}\text{\#f2dede}$ $\color{#8250df}\text{\#8250df}$ Edge Blockquote
L11 [!IMPORTANT] FilledBox H5 $\color{#a94442}\text{\#a94442}$ $\color{#8250df}\text{\#8250df}$ H5 Blockquote
L12 [!IMPORTANT] FilledBox Text $\color{#a94442}\text{\#a94442}$ $\color{#1f2328}\text{\#1f2328}$ Text Blockquote
L13 [!WARNING] FilledBox Fill $\color{#fcf8e3}\text{\#fcf8e3}$ $\color{#bf8700}\text{\#bf8700}$ Edge Blockquote
L14 [!WARNING] FilledBox H5 $\color{#8a6d3b}\text{\#8a6d3b}$ $\color{#9a6700}\text{\#9a6700}$ H5 Blockquote
L15 [!WARNING] FilledBox Text $\color{#8a6d3b}\text{\#8a6d3b}$ $\color{#1f2328}\text{\#1f2328}$ Text Blockquote
L16 [!CAUTION] FilledBox Fill $\color{#f2dede}\text{\#f2dede}$ $\color{#cf222e}\text{\#cf222e}$ Edge Blockquote
L17 [!CAUTION] FilledBox H5 $\color{#a94442}\text{\#a94442}$ $\color{#d1242f}\text{\#d1242f}$ H5 Blockquote
L18 [!CAUTION] FilledBox Text $\color{#a94442}\text{\#a94442}$ $\color{#1f2328}\text{\#1f2328}$ Text Blockquote

Table 3 Rendered Colors - MM Github Dark vs GitHub Dark Default

ID Kind MM Style MM Object MM Color GH Color GH Object GH Style
D00 default text html, body Text $\color{#e6edf3}\text{\#e6edf3}$ $\color{#e6edf3}\text{\#e6edf3}$ Text html, body
D01 [!INFO] Blockquote Edge $\color{#4682b4}\text{\#4682b4}$ $\color{#30363d}\text{\#30363d}$ Edge Blockquote
D02 [!INFO] Blockquote H5 $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#8d96a0}\text{\#8d96a0}$ H5 Blockquote
D03 [!INFO] Blockquote Text $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#8d96a0}\text{\#8d96a0}$ Text Blockquote
D04 [!NOTE] Blockquote Edge $\color{#4682b4}\text{\#4682b4}$ $\color{#1f6feb}\text{\#1f6feb}$ Edge Blockquote
D05 [!NOTE] Blockquote H5 $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#4493f8}\text{\#4493f8}$ H5 Blockquote
D06 [!NOTE] Blockquote Text $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#e6edf3}\text{\#e6edf3}$ Text Blockquote
D07 [!TIP] Blockquote Edge $\color{#4682b4}\text{\#4682b4}$ $\color{#238636}\text{\#238636}$ Edge Blockquote
D08 [!TIP] Blockquote H5 $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#3fb950}\text{\#3fb950}$ H5 Blockquote
D09 [!TIP] Blockquote Text $\color{#31708f}\text{\#31708f}$ $\color{#e6edf3}\text{\#e6edf3}$ Text Blockquote
D10 [!IMPORTANT] Blockquote Edge $\color{#daa520}\text{\#daa520}$ $\color{#8957e5}\text{\#8957e5}$ Edge Blockquote
D11 [!IMPORTANT] Blockquote H5 $\color{#daa520}\text{\#daa520}$ $\color{#ab7df8}\text{\#ab7df8}$ H5 Blockquote
D12 [!IMPORTANT] Blockquote Text $\color{#daa520}\text{\#daa520}$ $\color{#e6edf3}\text{\#e6edf3}$ Text Blockquote
D13 [!WARNING] Blockquote Edge $\color{#b22222}\text{\#b22222}$ $\color{#9e6a03}\text{\#9e6a03}$ Edge Blockquote
D14 [!WARNING] Blockquote H5 $\color{#b22222}\text{\#b22222}$ $\color{#d29922}\text{\#d29922}$ H5 Blockquote
D15 [!WARNING] Blockquote Text $\color{#b22222}\text{\#b22222}$ $\color{#e6edf3}\text{\#e6edf3}$ Text Blockquote
D16 [!CAUTION] Blockquote Edge $\color{#daa520}\text{\#daa520}$ $\color{#da3633}\text{\#da3633}$ Edge Blockquote
D17 [!CAUTION] Blockquote H5 $\color{#daa520}\text{\#daa520}$ $\color{#f85149}\text{\#f85149}$ H5 Blockquote
D18 [!CAUTION] Blockquote Text $\color{#daa520}\text{\#daa520}$ $\color{#e6edf3}\text{\#e6edf3}$ Text Blockquote


RickStrahl commented 3 months ago

Thanks for this detailed outline - this is very helpful in making changes.

However, keep in mind the themes in MM are custom - they are approximate and don't try to necessarily match every feature exactly. Github uses completely different rendering engine than MM does so there will always be some small difference. The theming is approximate.

If somebody wants to take a swipe at matching up the CSS themes that would be great. I'll take a look when I have some spare cycles but it's not high priority on my backlog.

jcbrill commented 3 months ago

However, keep in mind the themes in MM are custom - they are approximate and don't try to necessarily match every feature exactly. Github uses completely different rendering engine than MM does so there will always be some small difference. The theming is approximate.

The top post could be considered "Much ado about nothing". Feel free to close this issue at any time.

Only recently did I become interested in the MM Github themes due to an issue with a GitHub post containing math-mode color specifications that did not render correctly when using a GitHub dark theme due to my own incorrect assumptions.

As a placeholder, both manual and automatically generated markdown content was using $...\color{black}...$ for the "default" font color which worked fine with light themes but failed miserably with dark themes.

Being able to toggle between the Github light and dark themes in MM prior to posting to GitHub is very useful to me. In some cases, similar issues have arisen with Mermaid diagrams. It is easier to toggle between themes in MM than in GitHub.

For more elaborate styled-posts such as the colored text tables above, my typical iterative workflow is:

When toggling between the MM light and dark themes, the important/critical/warning alert color differences were readily apparent.

The styling differences for alerts between the MM light and dark themes went against my preconceived expectations. I expected the only difference between the MM light and dark themes to be the colors. It is fine if that is not the intent. Expectations adjusted accordingly.

Following the MM documentation suggestion of copying MM preview themes and customizing the copies locally, custom local Github light and dark themes were created and updated for comparison purposes.

The file mm-github-themes.zip, attached at the end of the top post above, contains:

File Description
mm-github-themes.md Document containing the content of the top post
PreviewThemes\_Github Custom local MM GitHub-like light theme files
PreviewThemes\_Github Dark Custom local MM GitHub-like dark theme files

The two custom themes, _Github and _Github Dark (named with leading underscores so they are at the top of the theme pick list), contain the following changes:

The custom light and dark themes can easily be compared to the MM light and dark themes for content differences. Since css is not in my skill set, the custom themes are more verbose as I do not know an easier way to color the title and left edge of the blockquote and maintain the default font color for the body of the alert text similar to GitHub.

I was reluctant to issue a PR as the custom implementation could be wildly erroneous.

The two custom themes were developed by togging between the MM themes and a browser toggling the appearance between the GitHub default light and dark themes. The methodology is summarized in the two tables below.

Program Provider Light Dark
MM MM Github Github Dark
MM Custom _Github _Github Dark
Browser GitHub Default Light Default Dark
Program Provider Document Mode Theme
MM MM mm-github-themes.md Light Github
MM Custom mm-github-themes.md Light _Github
Browser GitHub top post of thread Light Light Default
MM MM mm-github-themes.md Dark Github Dark
MM Custom mm-github-themes.md Dark _Github Dark
Browser GitHub top post of thread Dark Dark Default

Again, feel free to close at any time.

RickStrahl commented 3 months ago

I actually did take a look at this and made some changes to the GitHub Dark theme to start with:


Took a bit of tweaking of the style sheet, and this has to be migrated over to all the other default styles and adjusted for colors. In the process also updated FontAwesome library to v6 so that we can match the icons more closely (ie. using 'regular' style icons, instead of 'solid').

However, the colors that are actually used by GitHub don't match the colors you have in your table. I used the actual GitHub colors. Some things don't appear to work - like [!INFO].

jcbrill commented 3 months ago

That looks great!

However, the colors that are actually used by GitHub don't match the colors you have in your table. I used the actual GitHub colors.

Likely user error then.

The computed rbg values for the GitHub default light/dark theme entities reported by chrome may have been used in some cases. Perhaps local configurations of system/github, etc affected methodology used.

Some things don't appear to work - like [!INFO].

It's always something with Github markdown.

RickStrahl commented 3 months ago

Those tags originally were DocFX tags, so [!INFO] might just not be supported, but is in the original DocFX spec. Certainly is a useful feature either way and I'm glad they added this.

Now I have to fix all the other themes as the styling has changed. Luckily it's mostly cut and paste and then adjusting the colors and these base colors should actually work for all backgrounds (or at least match the light and dark versions). At least with non-GitHub themes I won't have to match anything exactly :smile:

RickStrahl commented 3 months ago

And here is the light theme:


RickStrahl commented 3 months ago

Not sure I understand this comment:

As a placeholder, both manual and automatically generated markdown content was using $...\color{black}...$ for the "default" font color which worked fine with light themes but failed miserably with dark themes.

jcbrill commented 3 months ago

The changes to both the light and dark themes are very well done. Kudos.

Not sure I understand this comment:

As a placeholder, both manual and automatically generated markdown content was using $...\color{black}...$ for the "default" font color which worked fine with light themes but failed miserably with dark themes.

That is because it is not very well written.

Examples using math-mode colored text:

  1. This $\color{red}\text{always red}$ is: $\color{red}\text{always red}$.
  2. This $\color{black}\text{always black}$ is: $\color{black}\text{always black}$.
  3. This $\color{}\text{the default color}$ is: $\color{}\text{the default color}$.
  4. This $\text{the default color}$ is: $\text{the default color}$.

The always black black text at the end of item 2 "disappears" when using the GitHub default dark theme (i.e., black text on a black background).

This seems obvious after-the-fact. The fatal flaw was assuming that black text would always be correct. I was erroneously using the color black by assuming black was always close enough to the default text color which was a bad assumption.

Forcing colors that are too light are a problem with the light themes. Forcing colors that are too dark are a problem with the dark themes. The challenge is finding the Goldilocks ranges of colors that work well for both light and dark themes.