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[Feature request] removal of unneeded data from swarm match data #971

Closed Yuanara closed 3 months ago

Yuanara commented 4 months ago

here are all the not needed stats that are included in swarm match data

                "12AssistStreakCount": 0,
                "InfernalScalePickup": 0,
                "acesBefore15Minutes": 0,
                "alliedJungleMonsterKills": 0,
                "baronTakedowns": 0,
                "blastConeOppositeOpponentCount": 0,
                "bountyGold": 0,
                "buffsStolen": 0,
                "completeSupportQuestInTime": 0,
                "controlWardsPlaced": 0,
                "damagePerMinute": 0,
                "damageTakenOnTeamPercentage": 0,
                "dancedWithRiftHerald": 0,
                "deathsByEnemyChamps": 0,
                "dodgeSkillShotsSmallWindow": 0,
                "doubleAces": 0,
                "dragonTakedowns": 0,
                "effectiveHealAndShielding": 0,
                "elderDragonKillsWithOpposingSoul": 0,
                "elderDragonMultikills": 0,
                "enemyChampionImmobilizations": 0,
                "enemyJungleMonsterKills": 0,
                "epicMonsterKillsNearEnemyJungler": 0,
                "epicMonsterKillsWithin30SecondsOfSpawn": 0,
                "epicMonsterSteals": 0,
                "epicMonsterStolenWithoutSmite": 0,
                "firstTurretKilled": 0,
                "fistBumpParticipation": 0,
                "flawlessAces": 0,
                "fullTeamTakedown": 0,
                "twoWardsOneSweeperCount": 0,
                "unseenRecalls": 0,
                "visionScorePerMinute": 0,
                "voidMonsterKill": 0,
                "wardTakedowns": 0,
                "wardTakedownsBefore20M": 0,
                "wardsGuarded": 0
                "legendaryCount": 0,
                "legendaryItemUsed": [],
                "lostAnInhibitor": 0,
                "maxKillDeficit": 0,
                "mejaisFullStackInTime": 0,
                "moreEnemyJungleThanOpponent": 0,
                "multiKillOneSpell": 0,
                "multiTurretRiftHeraldCount": 0,
                "multikills": 0,
                "multikillsAfterAggressiveFlash": 0,
                "outerTurretExecutesBefore10Minutes": 0,
                "outnumberedKills": 0,
                "outnumberedNexusKill": 0,
                "perfectDragonSoulsTaken": 0,
                "perfectGame": 1,
                "pickKillWithAlly": 0,
                "poroExplosions": 0,
                "quickCleanse": 0,
                "quickFirstTurret": 0,
                "quickSoloKills": 0,
                "riftHeraldTakedowns": 0,
                "saveAllyFromDeath": 0,
                "scuttleCrabKills": 0,
                "skillshotsDodged": 0,
                "skillshotsHit": 0,
                "snowballsHit": 0,
                "soloBaronKills": 0,
                "soloKills": 0,
                "stealthWardsPlaced": 0,
                "survivedSingleDigitHpCount": 0,
                "survivedThreeImmobilizesInFight": 0,
                "takedownOnFirstTurret": 0,
                "takedowns": 0,
                "takedownsAfterGainingLevelAdvantage": 0,
                "takedownsBeforeJungleMinionSpawn": 0,
                "takedownsFirstXMinutes": 0,
                "takedownsInAlcove": 0,
                "takedownsInEnemyFountain": 0,
                "teamBaronKills": 0,
                "teamElderDragonKills": 0,
                "teamRiftHeraldKills": 0,
                "tookLargeDamageSurvived": 0,
                "turretPlatesTaken": 0,
                "turretTakedowns": 0,
                "turretsTakenWithRiftHerald": 0,
                "getTakedownsInAllLanesEarlyJungleAsLaner": 0,
                 "consumablesPurchased": 0,
                 "damageDealtToBuildings": 0,
                 "damageDealtToObjectives": 0,
                 "damageDealtToTurrets": 0,
                 "damageSelfMitigated": 0,
                 "dangerPings": 0,
                 "deaths": 0,
                 "detectorWardsPlaced": 0,
                 "doubleKills": 0,
                 "dragonKills": 0,
                  "goldSpent": 0,
                  "holdPings": 0,
                  "inhibitorKills": 0,
                  "inhibitorTakedowns": 0,
                  "inhibitorsLost": 0,
                  "magicDamageDealtToChampions": 0,  // there is no magic damage in swrm
                  "magicDamageTaken": 0, // again no magic damage in swarm

                "playerScore0": 0,
                "playerScore1": 0,
                "playerScore2": 0,
                "playerScore3": 0,
                "playerScore4": 0,
                "playerScore5": 0,
                "playerScore6": 0,
                "playerScore7": 0,
                "playerScore8": 0,
                "playerScore9": 0,
                "playerScore10": 0,
                "playerScore11": 0

            "needVisionPings": 0,
            "neutralMinionsKilled": 0,
            "nexusKills": 0,
            "nexusLost": 0,
            "nexusTakedowns": 0,
            "objectivesStolen": 0,
            "objectivesStolenAssists": 0,
            "onMyWayPings": 0,

                  all of this is not swarm related data