Rob--W / proxy-from-env

A Node.js library to get the proxy URL for a given URL based on standard environment variables (http_proxy, no_proxy, ...).
MIT License
52 stars 19 forks source link

Insert scheme before *_proxy variable if needed #2

Closed Rob--W closed 7 years ago

Rob--W commented 7 years ago

Fixes #1

We decide to insert the original scheme if missing. If the http_proxy environment variable still contains true garbage, then the module still returns garbage.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.07%) to 98.355% when pulling 512d74a8229f7d8485b1e2fa64178b58cb25e0db on prepend-missing-scheme into d19722bb5da086410160a71b8666b0b4081ed224 on master.

stevenvachon commented 7 years ago
