RoboJackets / igvc-software

The code base for the RoboNav team's IGVC robot.
MIT License
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Swervi Wheel Shaking Bug #867

Closed VAM7686 closed 2 years ago

VAM7686 commented 2 years ago


Fixes the wheel shaking bug caused by the swervi gazebo PID controller by adding a simple filter to mitigate spikes in derivative value and help mitigate against sensor noise.

This PR does the following:

Testing steps

Test Case 1

  1. Run roslaunch igvc_gazebo autonav.launch
  2. Zoom in on swerve modules.

Expectation: No evidence of shaking wheels.

Test Case 2

  1. Run roslaunch igvc_gazebo autonav.launch
  2. Run rostopic echo /front_left_effort_controller/command

Expectation: No wildly oscillating effort commands on the /front_left_effort_controller/command topic.

Self Checklist