This feature adds noise to the x and y pose of the robot whenever groundTruthCallback() is called in the ground_truth node. The noise is set as a parameter in the simulation.launch file. The value of the noise represents the standard deviation of the normal distribution.
This PR does the following:
Adds noise to x pose and y pose
Fixes #552
Testing steps
Test Case 1
Set the value of x_noise_std_dev,y_noise_std_dev,z_noise_std_dev,roll_std_dev,pitch_std_dev, and yaw_std_dev in simulation.launch to a non-zero value
rostopic echo/ground_truth and check position and RPY values
Expectation: Noise is added directly to the x and y pose
This feature adds noise to the x and y pose of the robot whenever groundTruthCallback() is called in the ground_truth node. The noise is set as a parameter in the simulation.launch file. The value of the noise represents the standard deviation of the normal distribution.
This PR does the following:
Fixes #552
Testing steps
Test Case 1
Expectation: Noise is added directly to the x and y pose
Self Checklist
make format