Goal: Make a controller for the urban challenge that is able to switch between planners. It should use our navigation_controller for the start light and finish line logic and use the urc controller as a state machine to orchestrate. You can look at the old controller
to see how it was done.
URC Controller:
Subscribe to lane keeper speed & steering (lane_keeper/speed...)
Subscribe to turn action speed & steering (turning_action/speed...)
Lane Keeping: Passthrough lane keeper controls (/lane_keeper/speed -> /speed)
If received sign direction store it (/turn_action:{LEFT, RIGH, STRAIGHT))
Once you arrive at a stop bar /stop_bar_arrived: Bool), call turning action (/turning_action/speed -> /speed)
Goal: Make a controller for the urban challenge that is able to switch between planners. It should use our navigation_controller for the start light and finish line logic and use the urc controller as a state machine to orchestrate. You can look at the old controller to see how it was done.
URC Controller:
:{LEFT, RIGH, STRAIGHT))/stop_bar_arrived
: Bool), call turning action (/turning_action/speed
)Files Edited (at least): rr_iarrc/src/urc_controller/urc_controller.cpp
Success Criteria: