This node transforms the aruco marker that is in camera frame into body frame (base_footprint).
The transform combines two different transforms base_footprint -> camera_link and then camera_link -> camera_link_optical.
The first transform comes from tf
The second is coded up by the students using a rotation matrix for roll and yaw (combined into a single matrix in a method)
The students are responsible for coding the transforms and for making sure they are applying the rotations in the correct order.
Open Questions:
What removing Eigen looks like. I think the student section needs a better defined scope and I don't want them to see Eigen template errors week one. So it will likely result in abstracting the multiplication and matrix building into a data type they know (vector) and then writing helpers that convert back and forth.
Open Questions: What removing Eigen looks like. I think the student section needs a better defined scope and I don't want them to see Eigen template errors week one. So it will likely result in abstracting the multiplication and matrix building into a data type they know (vector) and then writing helpers that convert back and forth.