Closed AndrewJSchoen closed 10 months ago
I don't know anything about integration/compatibility of ROS2. Maybe @RobotWebTools/ros2-0 can help you out.
ROS 1 uses topics for action but ROS 2 uses a combination of services and topics. roslibjs uses a topic implementation ie, ROS 1. I am also looking for a fix but am unable to find it. I currently use a ROS 2 action client with the subscriber in python which listens to roslibjs and sends the goal.
If you have found a fix please let me know. I also tried ros 2 branch but the implementation is the same.
Hi guys, any news on this matter? we have been developing a bunch of actions and when trying to connect to the web interface we run into this problem.. any advances? if not, @mypsybot could you give some more detail of your workaround solution please?
Hi all, Same problem here. I am testing fibonacci action server. Action server is running on shell. Client side on web page.
I am getting below messages.
[INFO] [1664526743.377902751] [rosbridge_websocket]: [Client e398c734-70dd-4a8e-9f1b-3619155e37c0] Subscribed to /fibonacci/status [ERROR] [1664526743.381021699] [rosbridge_websocket]: [Client e398c734-70dd-4a8e-9f1b-3619155e37c0] [id: subscribe:/fibonacci/feedback:4] subscribe: Unable to import action_tutorials_interfaces.msg from package action_tutorials_interfaces. Caused by: No module named 'action_tutorials_interfaces.msg' [ERROR] [1664526743.384244908] [rosbridge_websocket]: [Client e398c734-70dd-4a8e-9f1b-3619155e37c0] [id: subscribe:/fibonacci/result:5] subscribe: Unable to import action_tutorials_interfaces.msg from package action_tutorials_interfaces. Caused by: No module named 'action_tutorials_interfaces.msg' [ERROR] [1664526743.389325059] [rosbridge_websocket]: [Client e398c734-70dd-4a8e-9f1b-3619155e37c0] [id: publish:/fibonacci/goal:6] publish: Cannot infer topic type for topic /fibonacci/goal as it is not yet advertised
here is the node list info for rosapi;
Service Servers: /rosapi/action_servers: rosapi_msgs/srv/GetActionServers
also roslibsj core trying to use this like below;
Ros.prototype.getActionServers = function(callback, failedCallback) { var getActionServers = new Service({ ros : this, name : '/rosapi/action_servers', serviceType : 'rosapi/GetActionServers' });
I am not sure about, changing serviceType to actual one will solve problem. Any idea?
Is there any update on this? I am trying to call some actions from my websitem but get similar error as above:
as it is not yet advertised
actions supported on this library, can't seem to find proper documentation on it if it does!
I will repeat myself: "I don't know anything about integration/compatibility of ROS2. Maybe @RobotWebTools/ros2-0 can help you out."
Sure, i am just asking whom ever is familiar since it seems it got lost. :)
We recently merged official ROS 2 action support in both rosbridge_suite and this repo:
There are tests and examples with these changes.
If this is still applicable for people in this thread, I hope you get to try these out!
I have same error , and i try to update ros_bridge for ros2 Humble ,
var ActionClient = new ROSLIB.ActionClient ({ ros : ros , serverName : '/move_robot', actionName : 'robot_interfaces/action/MoveRobot' //this action interface from ros2 server });
I am getting below messages: [ERROR] [1705349916.420697849] [rosbridge_websocket]: [Client dcc57d31-e881-4795-bb12-4763dbff8a61] [id: subscribe:/move_robot/result:5] subscribe: Unable to import robot_interfaces.msg from package robot_interfaces. Caused by: No module named 'robot_interfaces.msg' [rosbridge_websocket-1] [ERROR] [1705349916.420937187] [rosbridge_websocket]: [Client dcc57d31-e881-4795-bb12-4763dbff8a61] [id: publish:/move_robot:6] publish: Cannot infer topic type for topic /move_robot as it is not yet advertised
Hi all. I have been posting a number of issues across the org lately trying to decipher exactly where an issue is occurring with ROS2 versions of many of these libraries. I think, based on some of the errors and feedback in the following issues that it come down to the roslibjs library.
Existing Issues: rosbridge_suite:552 ros2-web-bridge:#171
Basically, it seems that when roslibjs attempts to create anything other than a publisher/subscriber connection, it looks for the wrong message type (i.e., the ROS1 version instead of the ROS2 version):
(from the rosbridge_suite issue):
For exhaustion of links, it seems like there is some discussion of this parity issue: ros2-web-bridge:148
Is there any interest in remedying this?
In the meantime, we might be able to co-opt the fact that roslibjs just ends up expecting "topics" regardless of it being a topic, service, or action (from what I see). Might I just be able to create a bunch of messages and topics that mirror what roslibjs is expecting? Am I right in this understanding?