Roger-Chuh / vins-fisheye-cubemap

a VINS algorithm with a combination of stereo fisheye images, cubemap, line features, dense mapping and loop closure
GNU General Public License v3.0
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some test problem #1

Closed wolf943134497 closed 2 years ago

wolf943134497 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Roger-Chuh Thanks for your sharing code.

I met some problem when I use the code:

  1. when I compile the origin code, some error occur: feature_tracker.cpp:893 : error: no match for ‘operator=’ prev_pyr = cur_pyr; depth_estimator.h:117:17: error: no matching function for call to ‘DepthEstimator::ComputeDispartiyMap’ I change the function that the error occur to the same as the origin VINS-Fisheye , these error solved.
  2. After compiling the code , when I run the code, error as follows: [ INFO] [1648702997.899553155]: Unsynchronized sensors, online estimate time offset, initial td: -0.0347699 [ INFO] [1648702997.899569728]: ROW: 500 COL: 800 exitrinsic cam 0 -0.999964 0.00643933 -0.00549328 0.00547534 -0.00280139 -0.999981 -0.0064546 -0.999975 0.00276603 0.00395783 -0.0081369 -0.0179032 exitrinsic cam 1 0.999907 -0.00548477 0.0124673 -0.0124733 -0.0010551 0.999922 -0.00547119 -0.999984 -0.00112341 0.00548184 0.0122127 -0.0177637 set g 0 0 9.81 [ INFO] [1648702997.899718266]: reading paramerter of camera up.yaml [ INFO] [1648702997.899806854]: Use as up.yaml [ INFO] [1648702997.917099886]: Build for camera 0 [ INFO] [1648702997.917233466]: Center FOV: 1.745329_center [ INFO] [1648702997.917285663]: Side image height: 313 [ INFO] [1648702998.031617980]: reading paramerter of camera down.yaml [ INFO] [1648702998.031734827]: Use as down.yaml [ INFO] [1648702998.049044690]: Build for camera 1 [ INFO] [1648702998.049067593]: Center FOV: 1.745329_center [ INFO] [1648702998.049074061]: Side image height: 313 Is camera 1 will invert T [ INFO] [1648702998.152713079]: Will 0 GPU [ WARN] [1648702998.152734909]: waiting for image and imu... [ INFO] [1648702998.161949501]: Flatten read fisheyeup.yaml, id 0 [ INFO] [1648702998.179105292]: Build for camera 0 [ INFO] [1648702998.179133210]: Center FOV: 1.745329_center [ INFO] [1648702998.179140832]: Side image height: 313 [ INFO] [1648702998.282012022]: Flatten read fisheye down.yaml, id 1 [ INFO] [1648702998.299004340]: Build for camera 1 [ INFO] [1648702998.299030236]: Center FOV: 1.745329_center [ INFO] [1648702998.299037288]: Side image height: 313 Is camera 1 will invert T [ INFO] [1648702998.408051436]: Will directly receive raw images /cam0/image_raw and /cam1/image_raw disable 0 4 5 9: 0 0 0 0 [ WARN] [1648703004.460655130]: Duration between two images is 1643171961.539995ms

assigning pinhle params... , focal_x = 0.000 disable 0 4 5 9: 0 0 0 0 disable 0 4 5 9: 0 0 0 0 disable 0 4 5 9: 0 0 0 0 disable 0 4 5 9: 0 0 0 0 disable 0 4 5 9: 0 0 0 0 disable 0 4 5 9: 0 0 0 0 lsd.size: 62 up_top_img size: 800 x 800 down_top_img size: 800 x 800 up_side_img size: 1426 x 1426 down_side_img size: 1426 x 1426 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): OpenCV(3.4.16) /home/rui/gwm/opencv-3.4.16/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:751: error: (-215:Assertion failed) 0 <= roi.x && 0 <= roi.width && roi.x + roi.width <= m.cols && 0 <= roi.y && 0 <= roi.height && roi.y + roi.height <= m.rows in function 'Mat'

terminate called recursively

environments: ubuntu16.04, ros kinetic, opencv 3.4.16 cuda with contrib

config: %YAML:1.0

common parameters

support: 1 imu 1 cam; 1 imu 2 cam: 2 cam;

imu: 1
num_of_cam: 2

is_fisheye: 1 imu_topic: "/imu0"

imu_topic: "/dji_sdk_1/dji_sdk/imu"

image0_topic: "/cam0/image_raw" image1_topic: "/cam1/image_raw" output_path: "/home/rui/output"

depth_config: "depth_cuda.yaml" cam0_calib: "up.yaml" cam1_calib: "down.yaml" image_width: 800 # For fisheye, this indicate the flattened image width; min 100; 300 - 500 is good for vins image_height: 500 show_width: 2000

fisheye_fov: 200

lk_pyr_level: 3 lk_win_size: 21 keyframe_longtrack_thres: 20

debug_image: 0

print_log: 0 long_track_ratio: 0.5

equalize: 0 use_line: 1 # 1 # 0 # 1 # 0 # 1 debug_image: 0 image_height_raw: 2880 image_width_raw: 2880 base_line: -1

show_line: 0 # 0 # 1 # 0 # 1 # 0 # 1 # 0 show_disp: 0

line_angle_thres: 0.35 # 1.0 # 0.35 # 1.0 # 0.35 # 0.5 line_pixel_thres: 2.0 # 5.0 # 2.0 # 13.0 # 2.0 # 1.5 use_multi_line_triangulation: 0 # 1 # 0 # 1 # 0 # 1

min_trace_to_marg: 1 # -5

cube_map: 1 use_new: 1

fisheye_fov_actual: 200 fisheye_fov: 200 center_fov: 100

enable_up_top: 1 enable_down_top: 1 enable_up_side: 1 enable_down_side: 1
enable_rear_side: 1 thres_outlier : 3.0 tri_max_err: 5.0

Extrinsic parameter between IMU and Camera.

estimate_extrinsic: 0 # 0 Have an accurate extrinsic parameters. We will trust the following imu^R_cam, imu^T_cam, don't

body_T_cam1: !!opencv-matrix rows: 4 cols: 4 dt: d data: [ 0.99990724, -0.00548477, 0.01246729, 0.00548184, -0.01247326, -0.0010551, 0.99992165, 0.01221265, -0.00547119, -0.9999844, -0.00112341, -0.01776372, 0., 0., 0., 1. ] body_T_cam0: !!opencv-matrix rows: 4 cols: 4 dt: d data: [ -0.99996418, 0.00643933, -0.00549328, 0.00395783, 0.00547534, -0.00280139, -0.99998109, -0.0081369, -0.0064546, -0.99997534, 0.00276603, -0.01790324, 0., 0., 0., 1. ]

pub_flatten: 1 flatten_color: 0 warn_imu_freq: 0 imu_freq: 500 image_freq: 24

multiple_thread: 1

Gpu accleration support

use_vxworks: 0 use_gpu: 0

enable_depth: 0 # If estimate depth cloud; only available for dual fisheye now rgb_depth_cloud: -1 # -1: point no texture, 0 depth cloud will be gray, 1 depth cloud will be colored;

Note that textured and colored depth cloud will slow down whole system

depth_estimate_baseline: 0.05 top_cnt: 200 side_cnt: 25 max_solve_cnt: 500 # Max Point for solve; highly influence performace

min_dist: 20 # min distance between two features, this is for GFTT

min_dist: 20 # for vworks freq: 10 # frequence (Hz) of publish tracking result. At least 10Hz for good estimation. If set 0, the frequence will be same as raw image F_threshold: 1 # ransac threshold (pixel) show_track: 0 # publish tracking image as topic show_track_id: 0 flow_back: 1 # perform forward and backward optical flow to improve feature tracking accuracy enable_perf_output: 0

optimization parameters

max_solver_time: 0.15 # max solver itration time (ms), to guarantee real time max_num_iterations: 10 # max solver itrations, to guarantee real time

max_solver_time: 1.0 # max solver itration time (ms), to guarantee real time

max_num_iterations: 100 # max solver itrations, to guarantee real time

keyframe_parallax: 12.0 # keyframe selection threshold (pixel)

imu parameters The more accurate parameters you provide, the better performance

acc_n: 0.000945275948987 # accelerometer measurement noise standard deviation. #0.2 0.04 gyr_n: 0.00160297909721 # gyroscope measurement noise standard deviation. #0.05 0.004 acc_w: 2.16684207108e-05 # accelerometer bias random work noise standard deviation. #0.02 gyr_w: 3.23006936842e-05 # gyroscope bias random work noise standard deviation. #4.0e-5 g_norm: 9.81 # gravity magnitude

unsynchronization parameters

estimate_td: 1 # online estimate time offset between camera and imu td: -0.034769903289 #Use mynteye imu

loop closure parameters

load_previous_pose_graph: 0 # load and reuse previous pose graph; load from 'pose_graph_save_path' pose_graph_save_path: "/home/rui/output/pose_graph/" # save and load path save_image: 0

any suggestions? many thanks!

Roger-Chuh commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your interest on this project, but sorry, this code is very different from HKUST's original "vins-fisheye" verion, it now can only run on my own dataset, EUROC or TUM dataset are not supported on this version. If you still want to try it, i can upload the link to my dataset.

wolf943134497 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your interest on this project, but sorry, this code is very different from HKUST's original "vins-fisheye" verion, it now can only run on my own dataset, EUROC or TUM dataset are not supported on this version. If you still want to try it, i can upload the link to my dataset.

Hi thanks for your reply. Please upload your dataset and associated config and launch file. many thanks!

The compile error I mentioned above, is my solution correct?


Roger-Chuh commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your interest on this project, but sorry, this code is very different from HKUST's original "vins-fisheye" verion, it now can only run on my own dataset, EUROC or TUM dataset are not supported on this version. If you still want to try it, i can upload the link to my dataset.

Hi thanks for your reply. Please upload your dataset and associated config and launch file. many thanks!

The compile error I mentioned above, is my solution correct?


i compiled the code under 18.04 Melodic, that compile error you mentioned shouldn't bother much, because that part of the code wasn't used in this project's main flow.

in the terminal, type(change the PATH accordingly)

  1. roslaunch vins fisheye_node.launch config_file:=/home/roger/vins-fisheye2/src/VINS-Fisheye/config/t265/t265_cpu_165_55_bak.yaml
  2. (optional if you want to enable loop closure)rosrun loop_fusion loop_fusion_node /home/roger/vins-fisheye2/src/VINS-Fisheye/config/t265/t265_cpu_165_55_bak.yaml
  3. roslaunch vins vins_rviz.launch
  4. rosbag play vio6.bag --clock -r 0.5 (if the pose drifts unexpectedly, lower the play rate of the bag)

链接: 提取码:qm2v

wolf943134497 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your interest on this project, but sorry, this code is very different from HKUST's original "vins-fisheye" verion, it now can only run on my own dataset, EUROC or TUM dataset are not supported on this version. If you still want to try it, i can upload the link to my dataset.

Hi thanks for your reply. Please upload your dataset and associated config and launch file. many thanks! The compile error I mentioned above, is my solution correct? Thanks!

i compiled the code under 18.04 Melodic, that compile error you mentioned shouldn't bother much, because that part of the code wasn't used in this project's main flow.

in the terminal, type(change the PATH accordingly)

1. roslaunch vins fisheye_node.launch config_file:=/home/roger/vins-fisheye2/src/VINS-Fisheye/config/t265/t265_cpu_165_55_bak.yaml

2. (optional if you want to enable loop closure)rosrun loop_fusion loop_fusion_node /home/roger/vins-fisheye2/src/VINS-Fisheye/config/t265/t265_cpu_165_55_bak.yaml

3. roslaunch vins vins_rviz.launch

4. rosbag play vio6.bag --clock -r 0.5  (if the pose drifts unexpectedly, lower the play rate of the bag)

链接: 提取码:qm2v

thank you for your sharing! Do you have any related blogs or papers about your work? What is the main difference from the original "vins-fisheye" ?


Roger-Chuh commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your interest on this project, but sorry, this code is very different from HKUST's original "vins-fisheye" verion, it now can only run on my own dataset, EUROC or TUM dataset are not supported on this version. If you still want to try it, i can upload the link to my dataset.

Hi thanks for your reply. Please upload your dataset and associated config and launch file. many thanks! The compile error I mentioned above, is my solution correct? Thanks!

i compiled the code under 18.04 Melodic, that compile error you mentioned shouldn't bother much, because that part of the code wasn't used in this project's main flow. in the terminal, type(change the PATH accordingly)

1. roslaunch vins fisheye_node.launch config_file:=/home/roger/vins-fisheye2/src/VINS-Fisheye/config/t265/t265_cpu_165_55_bak.yaml

2. (optional if you want to enable loop closure)rosrun loop_fusion loop_fusion_node /home/roger/vins-fisheye2/src/VINS-Fisheye/config/t265/t265_cpu_165_55_bak.yaml

3. roslaunch vins vins_rviz.launch

4. rosbag play vio6.bag --clock -r 0.5  (if the pose drifts unexpectedly, lower the play rate of the bag)

链接: 提取码:qm2v

thank you for your sharing! Do you have any related blogs or papers about your work? What is the main difference from the original "vins-fisheye" ?


The main difference compared to original "vins-fisheye" i think is the frontend, in this code, fisheye image is treated as a piece-wise cubemap to enable robust feature tracking, the related works are listed in the readme, you can refer to those literatures to get some insight.

Gatsby23 commented 1 year ago
  1. cur_pyr

Sorry for bothering you, but how to modify the code that we can test the example data?