Closed hector3500 closed 1 year ago
Hey, the error: "cannot open the connection", means file paths are wrong most likely.
Can you send me the information of file paths you defined in your ORFik experiment, that is
filepath(df, "default") # <- df is the ORFik experiment
Also, could you try this:
rfp <- fimport(filepath(df, "default")[1]) # Load first bam file directly
seqlevelsStyle(rfp) # Check seqlevels Style can be read correctly
Hey, I'll just give you the full experiment:
exper = "Riboseq_1_Drosophila",
fa = "genome",
txdb = "gtf",
organism = 'Drosophila melanogaster',
viewTemplate = FALSE,
pairedEndBam = FALSE,
rep = c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3),
condition = rep(c("RPS3", "RPS3.XRP1","WT"), each = 3),
libtype = "auto",
stage = "auto"
I already defined the genome and gtf paths previously.
Yeah, so that wont do, I need to see the actual output, and this must also be wrong, as this will not work:
txdb = "gtf"
it should this I guess?:
txdb = gtf
I think I need the specified outputs I required above to be able to know what is going on, as your definition above hides too many details
okay so the genome and gtf paths are: genome = "/home/harrison/Documents/RiboSeq/Genome/Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.46.dna_sm.toplevel.fa" gtf = "/home/harrison/Documents/RiboSeq/Genome/Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.46.57.gtf"
I removed the quotation marks, still the same error though. When you say outputs do you mean the paths for the output ofst and readLengths file? I didn't define output paths, it automatically places them in the file.path directory I initially specified.
Here's the rest of the commands follwing the created experiments (I also have an RNAseq experiment):
df.rfp <- read.experiment("Riboseq_1_Drosophila") df.rna <- read.experiment("RNAseq_1_Drosophila")
ORFikQC(df.rfp) ORFikQC(df.rna)
Yes, and show me the console output when you run these lines:
df.rfp <- read.experiment("Riboseq_1_Drosophila")
filepath(df.rfp, "default") # <- df.rfp is the ORFik experiment
rfp <- fimport(filepath(df.rfp, "default")[1]) # Load first bam file directly
seqlevelsStyle(rfp) # Check seqlevels Style can be read correctly
Any more questions? Else I will close the issue :)
When I try to conduct the QC on my experiments the BAM files output fine, get converted to ofst files, and have read length tables created for them, though an error keeps popping up after this step: