Closed Arek86 closed 9 months ago
df <- read.experiment("RIBO-SeqE")
txdb <- loadTxdb(df)
ribo <- fimport(filepaths(df[1,])) #load first library in ofst format
detectRibosomeShifts(txdb, ribo)```
What error do you get ?
Hi! thank you for your quick response. from these commands, I get:
txdb <- loadTxdb(df.rfp)
ribo <- fimport(filepath(df.rfp[1,], type = "ofst")) #load first library in ofst format
detectRibosomeShifts(txdb, ribo)
Error in loadTxdb(txdb) : txdb must be path or TxDb
However, before create.experiment() I run this:
annotation <- getGenomeAndAnnotation(
organism = organism,
output.dir = output_dir,
GTF = gtf_dir,
genome = fasta_dir
and than I run create.experiment() like this:
create.experiment(dir = dir_to_bam,
exper = "RIBO-SeqE",
saveDir = results_dir,
fa = annotation["genome"],
txdb = paste0(annotation["gtf"], ".db"),
organism = organism,
assembly = "TAIR10.1",
rep = c(1,2,3,1,2,3),
condition = rep(c("C", "E"), each = 3),
viewTemplate = T,
types = "bam",
libtype = "RFP"
After that shiftFootprintsByExperiment() works correctly, with no errors. I don't know how the rest of the commands from the pipeline, but right now to this point it works fine :) I will let you know when I run whole pipeline.
How did it go?
Any help you need to understand output?
Else I will close this issue in 2 days :)
Hi Roleren! I'm assuming I have a similar problem to #123 that I can't seem to figure out how to deal with. I run the RIBO-Seq pipeline according to the manual. I work with A.thaliana data and bam files generated with STAR.
I already updated ORFik to 1.23.6.
I run successfully first commands:
Create an experiment from bam files, with fasta and gtf files. In the same folder is present index file for fasta. With the same name, with fai extension.
General QC
QC was done with no warnings and errors.
and I get this error:
Error: BiocParallel errors 1 remote errors, element index: 1 5 unevaluated and other errors first remote error: Error in covRleFromGR(x, weight = weight, ignore.strand = ignore.strand): Seqlengths of x contains NA values!
I tried the default and custom settings of the shiftFootprintsByExperiment command.
I will be glad for your help. Thanks!