RomeStrikesBackMod / RomanHoI4

The continuation of my mega-campaign into HoI4
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Zeppelin events #78

Open Idhrendur opened 2 years ago

Idhrendur commented 2 years ago

I'll think of appropriate descriptions. There should be a set of events marking the decline of zeppelins. Early ones in 1937 would focus on civilian ones, like a Hindenburg equivalent. Then there would be debates about the usefulness of military zeppelins, with some politicians seeing it as a matter of national pride. Later events during the early stages of the civil war would present us with a choice between emergency use of the zeppelins (morale boost, but with a fair chance they could explode and kill some troops) or keeping them mothballed. During the actual war, once fixed-wing aircraft have been fully integrated into the military, zeppelins will be mothballed. After the war, there might be an event to turn some into museums or as pleasure craft, sort of like luxury cruise ships (using helium gas now, of course).

Idhrendur commented 2 years ago

I might be able to just do this with in-AAR write-ups. Bringing back the Hindenburg decision might be nice at least though.