Room-11 / Jeeves

Chatbot for Stack Overflow
MIT License
42 stars 19 forks source link
amphp async bot chatbot jeeves stack-exchange


Chat bot for StackOverflow. Uses amphp libraries for async magic sauce.

Build Status Badge Of Shame



  1. Clone the project.
  2. Copy config/config.sample.yml to config/config.yml.
  3. Replace all configuration variables with your values.
  4. Run the bot using php ./bin/jeeves.

JAAS (Jeeves as a Service)

If you want to run the bot as a systemd service:

  1. Copy config/jeeves.sample.service to /etc/systemd/system/jeeves.service.
  2. Replace the path with your installation location.
  3. Make sure the bin/jeeves file is executable
  4. If you want to service to automatically start run systemctl enable jeeves
  5. Start the service using systemctl start jeeves

Optional Dependencies


Documentation is something other people do. Despite this, there is some information in the wiki


The source code of this project is licensed under the MIT license.