Rosalie241 / RMG

Rosalie's Mupen GUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug Report] ZR/ZL Buttons Visualized as Pressed in Input Window. #170

Open ibercee opened 10 months ago

ibercee commented 10 months ago

Hello, I encountered a bug in RMG related to button mapping. When I map my Switch Pro Controller's ZL or ZR buttons to any n64 button, it is visualized as pressed, even after I release them.

Expected Behavior: The visualization of the mapped N64 button should accurately reflect the state of the ZR or ZL button, i.e., it should only be visualized as pressed when the ZR or ZL button is actively being pressed.

Actual Behavior: The mapped N64 button is visualized as perpetually pressed, even after releasing the ZR/ZL button.

Additional Information:

  1. Tested on RMG version 0.5.1.
  2. I use an original Switch Pro Controller.
  3. This is only an aesthetic issue, as the inputs work perfectly in-game.

    Thank you.

Fussmatte commented 8 months ago

I've tested this on 0.5.2 (AppImage version) and get a similar bug with the Nintendo Switch Online N64 Controller. Pressing Z (shown as lefttrigger+), C-Right (rightx+) or C-Down (righty+) shows them as perpetually pressed, though they work correctly in-game.