RosterizerTestData / Warhammer40k10e

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Ad. Mech QA #112

Closed KevinFournier closed 1 year ago

KevinFournier commented 1 year ago

Cawl Ability description

See this other issue:

Pteraxii Skystalkers

The last part of the Ride the thermal ability description is merged with the bullet point sentence. (see below) image

The sentence In either case, if it does, until the end of the turn, this unit is not eligible to declare a charge. should be it’s own paragraph.

Serberys Sulphurhound

Default loadout

The default loadout on non-alpha sulphurhounds should be their Twin phosphor pistols. Because:

Sulphurhound Alpha weapon keyword.

Alpha’s Cavalry arc maul is missing all it’s keywords: anti-vehicle 4+, devastating wounds and extra attacks. (as in image below) image


Their default loadout should be servo-arms alones. Because:

Sydonian Dragoons

Optional Phosphor Serpenta:

The option checkbox exists but is not interactable. Missing the dynamic: "true atribut l. 3734 ? (Checkbox in the image below)

Missing melee weapon:

Ironstrider feets is described in the register but is not display in the UI when selecting the loadout `Radium Jezzail and Ironstrider feet. (In the image below, only the Jezzail is displayed)

Screenshot from 2023-07-08 19-09-39

Nemo3823 commented 1 year ago

Should all be fixed in 10.2.9, thanks!