RozDavid / LOL

LOL: Lidar-only Odometry and Localization in 3D point cloud maps
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Something wrong with Segmap #9

Closed yutouwd closed 3 years ago

yutouwd commented 3 years ago

Hi @RozDavid ,

Thanks for your outstanding work. I have successfully built segmapper and loam_velodyne. But when I try to run the demo, each time the segmapper process would die. The error information are as followed:

[ WARN] [1610421711.405021814, 1317376479.456800773]: [SegMapper] Timeout while waiting between world and velodyne. [segmapper-3] process has died [pid 14145, exit code -11, cmd /home/yutouwd/workspace/segmap/devel/lib/segmapper/segmapper_node name:=segmapper log:=/home/yutouwd/.ros/log/d5994fce-5481-11eb-8a50-a402b9ca85e1/segmapper-3.log]. log file: /home/yutouwd/.ros/log/d5994fce-5481-11eb-8a50-a402b9ca85e1/segmapper-3*.log

I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and Cuda version is 9.0, Cudnn version is 7.0. Could you give some suggestions on how to fix this bug? Thank you so much.

RozDavid commented 3 years ago

Hey, @yutouwd,

Could you include the output of your:

rosrun tf view_frames

Most probaby you are not using simulated time for ros, so you can't find recent transformations between the robot and the world. Try launching your bag files with --clock argument

Hope this will help, David

yutouwd commented 3 years ago

Hey @RozDavid ,

Thanks for your kindly reply. I have checked the launch file. The rosbag play already has --clock argument. And use_sim_time is set to true. view_frames result is below:


I also check it in Ubuntu 18.04. (There are some bugs when I try to compile Tensorflow 1.8 with Cuda 10. So I could only run the kitti_loam_segmap.launch) And it seems has the same warming [SegMapper] Timeout while waiting between world and velodyne.. But the process would not die and it can run successfully. The rosrun tf view_frames also has the same result.