Rudd-O / homeassistant-meteoswiss

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: :switzerland: Meteo Swiss Integration for Home Assistant (forked from websylv)
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Platform not found (No module named 'custom_components.meteoswiss') error after last update #20

Closed sebcou21 closed 1 year ago

sebcou21 commented 1 year ago


Updated the integration this morning to latest and I get the following error after restart:

2023-06-07 20:14:17.426 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform Platform not found (No module named 'custom_components.meteoswiss').

As a result the Weather Forecast Card shows that the entity is not available. However the sensors are still getting data as usual. Debug log showed no other ERROR or WARN about it. Tried deleting the integration, reinstalling and reconfiguring but the issue still persists.

Thanks in advance.

razowski commented 1 year ago

Exactly the same situation on my side, same result after full reinstall. Thanks...

razowski commented 1 year ago

PS: workaround : rename the folder 'meteo-swiss' to 'meteoswiss' under custom_components folder, restart HA...

sebcou21 commented 1 year ago

Yes indeed, but it doesn't fix the Weather Forecast Card issue for me (entity still unavailable). I'm not sure if renaming the folder could break something in future updates.

razowski commented 1 year ago

Forecast working on my side

sebcou21 commented 1 year ago

Yes my bad, it's working on my side now as well. Thanks for the workaround!

elduca commented 1 year ago

Hi, had the same issue, confirming: works again. Thanx for the workaround!!

PatWolf68 commented 1 year ago

Hi, After renaming the directory, it works again. Thanks for the information

elduca commented 1 year ago

Hi, since the last update, yesterday the error is back. I tried to rename the folder and restart HA But the error is still there. Any ideas? Regards

razowski commented 1 year ago

Hello, Was the same on my Side. I've uninstalled, drop the folder renammed last week and installed it again. It's now working for me. Hope it's help

sebcou21 commented 1 year ago

Original issue solved and new cleanup instructions provided in README are working.

elduca commented 1 year ago

After following the read me everthing works! Thanx