RuleWorld / bionetgen

Rule-based modeling framework
MIT License
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BioNetGen 2.8.0 appears to change the case requirements for states #245

Open jonrkarr opened 2 years ago

jonrkarr commented 2 years ago


Error log:
You are trying to give a pattern of type 'Sen', but you gave an 
invalid state! The state you gave was: 'PLUS'.  Quitting now.
You are trying to give a pattern of type 'Sen', but you gave an 
invalid state! The state you gave was: 'MINUS'.  Quitting now.
ABORT: /opt/BioNetGen-2.8.0/bin/NFsim -xml ./Dolan2015_nf_run1.xml -o ./Dolan2015_nf_run1.gdat -sim 100 -oSteps 100 -cb -ss ./Dolan2015_nf_run1.species -v -gml 1000000000 did not run successfully.

I'm post this here in case this wasn't an intentional change.

jrfaeder commented 2 years ago

I don't get this error running bionetgen 2.8.0 on a mac. For reference here's the output of bionetgen info

BNG version: 2.8.0 path: /Users/faeder/opt/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bionetgen/bng-mac (the main executable for BNG)
Perl version: 5.30.3 (used to run
CLI version: 0 7 2 alpha 0
pyBNG path: /Users/faeder/opt/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bionetgen (the PyBNG installation)

The following libraries are required by PyBioNetGen: 
numpy version: 1.22.3
pandas version: 1.3.4
libRoadRunner version: 2.2.0