RussTedrake / underactuated

The course text for MIT 6.832 (and 6.832x on edX)
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Fixing elib reference for ilqr assignment #552

Closed iamsavva closed 3 months ago

iamsavva commented 3 months ago

Hello Russ! It appears that elib has a strange bug, wherein even if the a reference is commented, elib still generates a reference for it, except that messes up the ordering.

You'll see that the reference in assignment 10.3 points to 45, while it should point to 46: (link)[].

this seems to occur because elib generates a reference even if the reference is commented out -- this messes up ordering.

I'm pushing a fix.

This change is Reviewable

RussTedrake commented 3 months ago

better to just fix the actual problem. (which should be done! please let me know if it's not)