RutikKulkarni / ReferralNetworkHub

ReferralNetworkHub is a platform that simplifies the job referral process by connecting professionals with job seekers. It enhances collaboration among employees and candidates, streamlining referrals and improving job search outcomes.
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Implement User Widget Functionalities #77

Open RutikKulkarni opened 1 month ago

RutikKulkarni commented 1 month ago

We need to add functionality to the User Widget to display the user's first name and location based on their logged-in status and the information provided. The widget design is already created, and we need to implement the following features:

  1. Display First Name:

    • When the user is logged in, display their first name in the widget.
    • Ensure that the first name is fetched from the user data after login.
  2. Location Display:

    • When a user registers for the first time, display a blank location in the widget.
    • After the user fills in the AccountInfo Form (available at EditAccountInfo), update the widget to display the location they mentioned in the form.

Note: The form is only visible when the user is logged in. (At the time of login and signup, the backend may take some time (up to 1-2 minutes) to respond, so please be patient.)


Screenshot: image


anudeep009 commented 1 month ago

Hi! I’m Anudeep, and I would like to work on this issue. Could you please assign it to me?

RutikKulkarni commented 1 month ago

Hi! I’m Anudeep, and I would like to work on this issue. Could you please assign it to me?

I have assigned it to you. Ensure you follow the outlined tasks and notes to handle the user data securely and update the widget dynamically.

RutikKulkarni commented 1 month ago

In this Pull Req:

It seems the changes are not working as expected, and the problem isn't fully resolved.

Here’s a summary of the issues we're still facing:

  1. First Name Display: The user's first name is not appearing correctly in the widget after login.
  2. Location Initialization: The location should be initialized as blank for new users, but this doesn't seem to be happening.

Check the database to ensure that the user data is being stored and fetched correctly? Also, verify that the widget is properly connected to the backend and is receiving the necessary data in real-time.

Review the implementation and make sure the widget dynamically updates based on the user's interactions.
