Ruzihm / coin-chance

An open source crypto currency play-and-invest gambling site
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature suggestion: Options for easier visual site customizations #17

Open fedaykinofdune opened 10 years ago

fedaykinofdune commented 10 years ago

I was about to get down to modding my sites a bit, to have a bit different look to each of them (themed around each particular coin), but that presents its own issues when its time to pull down a newer version, either having to manually swap files or completely re-do the changes (which you'd have to do anyway in case of major changes to index.jade or others). It also poses a problem if people modify the files in their source but are not including a link to this repo, their changes get zipped up along with everything else. My thinking is that if you could add in some type of switch that could be enabled in the options, on first seeing it toggled the server could create duplicates of the jade and css files (perhaps with a different naming convention to easily distinguish which are the "custom" files), and as long as the switch is on, run from those files, allowing the user to make changes without affecting the integrity of the source and excluding those custom files in the event the user's source is zipped for re-distribution. This may not be a very feasible suggestion, as I'm sure it's a ton of work, but may be useful later on down the road, when use of this app is much more widespread. I wish I could contribute in a more useful way, unfortunately node.js is a bit beyond my programming knowledge at the moment, it doesn't really seem to be one of those things where I can just kinda "jump in and learn as I go".