RyanFrantz / Livestatus-API

PHP API and REST interface for Nagios mk-livestatus
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A PHP library and REST API endpoint for interacting with nagios via the socket provided by mk-livestatus. It can both query data about object states in the Nagios server and issue Nagios commands.

All examples in this document assume that the API is available at


Response Format

All responses are in JSON and have the following format:

{"success": <bool>, "content": <object>}

If "success" is true, "content" will contain the requested data. If false, it will contain

{"code": <int>, "message": <string>}

where "code" is the mk-livestatus error code and "message" is a human-readable explanation of the error.

Query interface

The query interface returns a list of objects in JSON. The available endpoints are the same as the tables available from mk-livestatus itself:

To retrieve all records from a table, send a GET request to


For example, to get all host records from the server, GET



To limit the returned data to a subset of the available fields, pass a Columns query parameter containing a comma-separated list of column names. To fetch the name and services list for all hosts:



To filter the result set to records meeting some criteria, pass one or more Filter[] params. Each Filter is a urlencoded LQL filter (see the [mk-livestatus documentation](http://mathias-kettner.com/checkmk_livestatus.html#H1:LQL - The Livestatus Query Language) for detailed LQL filter syntax). If more than one filter is specified, they are ANDed together. To get all hosts starting with "api" in state OK (0):



Stats queries allow you to get a count of objects matching a criteria. Stats queries return a list of counts and never take a Columns parameter. You can request several Stats with a single API call. You can also restrict the objects counted by adding Filters to your query. To count the number of hosts starting with "api" in state OK:


Command Interface

All calls to livestatus-api to execute Nagios commands must be HTTP POST requests.


Acknowledgements for host and service alerts can be sent via the acknowledge_problem endpoint.

Acknowledge Host Alerts

curl -is -XPOST https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/acknowledge_problem -d '{"host": "host.example.com", "author": "rfrantz", "comment": "acked from livestatus"}'

Acknowledge Service Alerts

Acknowledging service alerts is similar to host alerts, with the addition of the service parameter:

curl -is -XPOST https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/acknowledge_problem -d '{"host": "host.example.com", "service": "Apache", "author": "rfrantz", "comment": "acked from livestatus"}'



Existing scheduled downtimes for a host can be canceled. cancel_downtime expects the downtime_id parameter. Downtime IDs can be found by querying a host and extracting the downtimes array:

curl -s https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/hosts?Filter=name%20%3D%20my_host | jq '.' | grep 'downtimes"' -A 2

"downtimes": [

The subsequent request to cancel the host's downtime is:

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/cancel_downtime' -d '{"downtime_id": "12345"}'

To cancel the downtime for a service, pass the name of the service along with the downtime_id:

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/cancel_downtime' -d '{"downtime_id": "12345", "service": "CPU"}'


Schedule downtime for a host as follows:

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/schedule_downtime' -d '{"host": "host.example.com", "duration": "7200", "author": "rfrantz", "comment": "Downtimed via livestatus"}'

NOTE: The duration field expects a value whose unit is in seconds.

Downtimes can be scheduled for a particular service by adding a "service" parameter:

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/schedule_downtime' -d '{"host": "host.example.com", "service": "CPU", duration": "7200", "author": "rfrantz", "comment": "Downtimed via livestatus"}'



Notifications for a host, a host's service, or all of the host's services can be disabled via the disable_notifications endpoint.

Disable Host Notifications

Send a request that includes a valid 'host' value:

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/disable_notifications' -d '{"host": "host.example.com"}'
Disable Notifications for a Host's Service

Send a request that includes valid 'host' and 'service' values:

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/disable_notifications' -d '{"host": "host.example.com", "service": "httpd"}'
Disable Notifications for All of a Host's Services

Send a request that includes a valid 'host' value and set 'scope' to 'all':

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/disable_notifications' -d '{"host": "host.example.com", "scope": "all"}'


Notifications for a host, a host's service, or all of the host's services can be enabled via the enable_notifications endpoint.

Enable Host Notifications

Send a request that includes a valid 'host' value:

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/enable_notifications' -d '{"host": "host.example.com"}'
Enable Notifications for a Host's Service

Send a request that includes valid 'host' and 'service' values:

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/enable_notifications' -d '{"host": "host.example.com", "service": "httpd"}'
Enable Notifications for All of a Host's Services

Send a request that includes a valid 'host' value and set 'scope' to 'all':

curl -s -XPOST 'https://nagios.example.com/livestatus-api/enable_notifications' -d '{"host": "host.example.com", "scope": "all"}'


Keep yer eyes peeled for the 'acknowledge_problem' endpoint!