This is a work in progress - announcements will be made when it works. Project focus: Box up 8 receivers for race organizers and distribute power/video to panel connectors. Include software for testing video transmitters in pre-race check in.
This software and hardware is 3rd party. It is not supported by Iftron and should be used at your own risk.
Hardware required:
Planned software features:
Planned hardware features:
How to use:
1) Open powershell window in the repository
2) If python not installed: $ python --version
follow this:
3) $ pip install --user pipenv
4) $ pipenv install pyserial
5) to run the program: $ pipenv run python It will create a virtual environment when it first runs. May take a while..
Libraries Used: serial #For using the FPC device to communicate with the Arduino->Solonoid->CV
tkinter #For the GUI