S-March / smarchWatch_Public

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Build problems: missing files #37

Open jacobandersson86 opened 5 years ago

jacobandersson86 commented 5 years ago

I've finally managed to build the project.

In simple steps I did the following:

  1. Downloaded the SDK
  2. Installed SmartSnippetsStudio found here, scroll down for your platform.
  3. Followed the getting started guide found here

When I could build the example project I tried building S-March projects. I did this by copying the files from this repository (the project folder called smarchWatch) into my SDK, basically with the same search path as in this repository. Example ../MyLocallyInstalledSDK/projects/dk_apps/ble_profiles/smarchWatch

This did not, however, build properly from the start. S-March had to remove the SDK from his repository since Dialoge Semiconductors demanded this. The twist is that he had altered some SDK files in order to build his project.

I did some detective work and this is my solution.

  1. Find a fork where not all SDK files are removed.
  2. Copy the following files: qspi_w25q128.h, platform_devices.h and partition_def.h. They are all found under the folder sdk/bsp/adapters/include and sdk/bsp/memory/include
  3. Place/replace the above files in your local SDK.

@S-March Could you please provide these files mentioned above in your repository? I think this could help other makers trying to replicate your project.

dannygrob commented 5 years ago

Don't forget 16M/partition_table.h in sdk/config